Many of us may never use our kits in a true survival situation. But we at least know and have the confidence that we have tools and supplies that may help us survive in a variety of unfortunate circumstances.

Many of the components in a PSK are not one-dimensional, meaning that our human ingenuity can adapt most of the items for a whole range of unforeseen circumstance. You may use the needle and thread to sew on buttons. Or you may use it to help dig out a festering splinter. Or you may magnetize the needle and float it on a small leaf in a puddle to find magnetic north. Or you may use it to dig out some dirt that caked up on your Spark-lite when you dropped in the mud. The possibilities are bountiful.

Instead of shrugging your shoulders at their comments and turn their questioning back at them, "What would you use a needle for in survival/emergency situation.” Those that are doubting you obviously have not given it a thought. Some may respond to such a challenge and rise to the occasion. Others may not. Of course these will be the ones that will be looking for someone else to save their butts in an emergency rather than being able to help themselves.

There are many lessons you can learn at this web site, both from the content and from the forum participants. But I think I have learned two great survival truisms.

1. Your greatest survival tool is your brain.
2. Practice survival techniques before you need them.

Welcome to ETS and good luck. BTW, you won't anyone here questioning the value of your kit. Nor will anyone here belittle your ideas and questions. So don't hold back and jump right into the forum!
Willie Vannerson
McHenry, IL