You really need to learn how to use the stuff in your kit. Do some reading; Doug has recommended some great books. Your needle and thread can be used to sew a button on or used for stitches (just make sure the thread is not in to long because the wound will heal around the thread and it wont come out and it hurts really bad trying to pull it out J) safety pins have too many uses to count. I learned of a new one the other day. (If you have to perform rescue breathing to a victim who has a broken neck and your by yourself the book I was reading said to safety pin the victims tough to their lip to keep it from blocking the air way). Your candle will help light damp wood, provide light, and in a snow cave will increase the temperature a few degrees.

I don’t seal my kit and I carry all kinds of stuff in it that I on a regular basis. Like chap stick, tweezers, Tylenol and antacid. Other stuff I hope I never use, but I feel better knowing there in my pocket. If your embarrassed about you kit don’t show any one but don’t stop carrying it!