I lusted after a tritium glow stick for quite a while and had to have one. There are some funny laws regarding them. You can't buy them in the states and they are difficult to ship in to the US. However they can be used as novelty items (keyring) in some interpretations. There is no danger of radiation poisoning as tritium, even if spilled directly on the skin, doesn't have the power to penetrate the skin. See
Tritium Danger After a lot of research I purchased from this guy
Glowring Sales for $22 and have been very satisfied. I bought a clear tube, green glow stick about two years ago. He doesn't have a web site but operates through email and that CandlePower web site. But he has a long good track record there and my transaction was painless. It shipped to my house in a padded envelope with no problem.
I've used it on my backpack to help find my hammock site at night, on my survival knife, and most recently on my ResQMe in the car. It is amazingly bright and has the cool factor.
Oh yeah, I've had it through airport security loads of times with no problem (along with my Doug Ritter PSK, sharp removed).
Correction: Just re-read some of the posts on CandlePower and the tritium in the US CANNOT be sold for frivolous uses (like jewelry, but apparently keyring lights are OK). Anyway, somehow this guy is able to ship them to US customers.