OK..i'll fess up gang--i DO have a neck knife..
after doing the "who would ever want one" post it came to me that i did have one some place around my den..it took some digging around because it's not something i would ever use.i got it at a blanket sale that was going on at the main square in Santa Fe.i was on my way back from dropping off a SUV load of stuff for my Daughter who had moved into Tempe and the grad school at ASU.on the way back to Minnesota i pulled into Santa Fe a bit light in the wallet after several trips to the Ikea store in Tempe and some nites out for dinner.after getting my Wife a turquoise and silver ring i was getting short on pocket money but found that some buck skinners were having a meet behind the square.the best i could do was this neck knife.there was some really impressive gear for sale in the way of hand made knives and muzzle loaders.i have at least ten knives in reach and more in the canoe trip gear hampers but this took some looking around to find,i'll keep it out on my desk for awhile.
not a bad little knife but the sheath is machine stitched so i guess you would get harassed about not being in the right "time zone" if you wore it at one of those buckskinner meets.
good solid blade,horn handle and the leather sheath is thick.
a fun item to bring back from that long drive out West but not something i would take on a canoe trip,or anywhere else.