Thanks to everyone, this thread has been a joy to read, and it has confirmed my belief that sutures is not high on the list of skills I need to learn
So generally, whats the best way to pack a wound and keep it as clean as possible until you can get proper treatment? I always thought it was sterile irrigation and then (sterile) 4X4's?
I don't know about "best", I focus on "appropriate", "quick" and "doable" with my skills and equipment and then let the doctors figure out the rest.
My plan of action in case someone has a serious wound is this:
- improvise a tourniquet if required (rarely needed outside battle zones, but when you need it you really need it). I don't expect it in a wilderness medicine setting. In a traffic accident the likelyhood of needing a tourniquet is probably higher, but still low.
- Close the wound as much as you can with your fingers and put whatever gauze / dressing material you have at hand on the wound. I always carry some sterile triangular cloth (multi-use item). If no sterile dressing is found, use the "cleanest available".
- Apply pressure.
- Wrap it all up with duct tape. Yes, duct tape. I won no scout's badge in bandage wrappings, so I do the best I can with the best I have at hand. No duct tape in the wound or at the skin next to the wound.
- Return to civilization.
I reserve those butterfly bandages for smaller cuts.
Glue? Nope, not for me - I'm not sure I have the "right" kind of super glue for medical use and I don't want to close a wound that may require re-opening.