Some many yrs. ago,Some friends & I were on our way back out from a 3 dayer,burnt out & Exhausted & Weak!About 2/3 of the way back to our Trucks,we stopped for a break,I had to poop,so I broke away from our rest site,down a varmint trail about 100yds or so,& Stumbled over a raised chunk of earth.It was someones Backpack,deliberately stashed,when I came to investigate,I pulled it completely out of the ground,& Poof! A Huge flash,& My shirt was on fire,I reached out to brush the fire off,& Realized I was about 15 ft. away,laying down looking up to the sky,& My friends were there throwing water on my boots,& had their guns out.It turned out,whoever stashed the pack,Booby-Trapped it,They heard the explosion,& saw the smoke & came to my aid,Asap,There wasn't much left to the pack,but there was debris of paper & Plastic of somekind,& The frame of the pack,which was Steel.It turned out I was OK,We gathered all the debris,& Hiked our butts out,Fast! Took the stuff to the Sheriff station,They said" Here's another one!It had happened to someone else,they weren't as lucky as I was,they were in the Hospital,with Severe burns& Shrapnel skids.The deputies pointed to an area on a Huge wall map,It turned out to be Real close to my incident,That area was a Claim for Gold Miners,I was Mad!They investigated,but heard nothing else for a longtime,So I enquired further,& found the case had been closed,& they couldn't help me!The moral to this story is:If it doesn't belong to you,Don't mess with it!