Holy moly. Looks like this thing has really gone global. Tens of thousands of companies are infected and it may have even been responsible for the disabling of an Indian satellite. Symantec's chief response guy has this to say:


After all, hitting the nuclear plant with a 500-pound bomb would have produced far more collateral damage than attacking it with a cyberweapon, right?

Spoonamore is not so sure. "Compared to releasing code that controls most of the world's hydroelectric dams or many of the world's nuclear plants or many of the world's electrical switching stations? I can think of very few stupider blowback decisions," he says.

Okay, so I also heard some pretty scary interviews from cyber security gurus on the radio today. My question is, should we be more concerned or is this stuxnet really as benign as the media portray? Because they're making it seem like a near miss.