Those times when I've had wounds, or stitches near a knuckle, I found it useful to tape a tongue depressor or Popsicle stick across the joint to keep it straight and to help remind me to favor the area until the area toughened up.

Also I would slip the hand into a ziplock bag when I showered.

I once had a deep laceration right down the center of the back of my left hand. Working construction I has constantly bashing the area and setting the healing process back. After ten days it was still sore. I got some respite by taping on a thick pad and buying a pair of leather driving gloves. Wearing the left glove protected the area until the healing process could catch up.

In my experience if I could get three days well protected and undisturbed it would be healed enough to take moderate wear and tear.

Avoid rubber or plastic gloves because the sweat buildup keeps the area soaking wet. Leather or cotton work gloves worked. The thin synthetic knit photography and archive gloves are great around the house and while sleeping because they are thin and cool.