Originally Posted By: Roarmeister
It's not always about equipment either. So what if Doug hasn't reviewed the latest wiz bang gizmo? 99% of survival has to do with the stuff between the ears.

That's my point: focus the site on the timeless elements plus the community factor provided by the forums, not the technology. The forums also provide a way to keep up with current events & fresh info. It really is valuable to see what's going on with PLBs and such.

I'm not talking about the particular file structure or graphic appearance of the site (though I realize that affects internal links). Do we really need reviews on kits from companies that don't exist anymore, Leatherman overviews last updated in 1999, or LED flashlight info that's 10 or more generations out of date?

Please don't take this as raggin' on Doug. Nobody appreciates his work more than I do. But if you can't keep up with the data, why is it a good thing to maintain a vast archive of outmoded information? If the answer is "well a newbie could Google for the latest info if he sees something outdated at ETS", then... why have gear info at ETS at all?

I think the site should be trimmed down regarding specifics on gear. For example make general points about the value of LED lights in the context of survival but point people to CandlePowerForums for specifics on the technology and current market offerings. That site is loaded with subject matter experts and you'd be hard-pressed to do a better job at keeping up with flashlight info than they do.

If ETS chooses to let the fruit die on the vine that's fine, of course; it's their site and their money. I just felt these things should be pointed out.