I really feel bad for Heston. From all I've managed to learn the oysters were already contaminated before they were delivered. Yet he's taking all the heat for it. I recall a summer or two ago a local taco chain had some patrons sickened by lettuce that came in already contaminated with Salmonella right from the grower. As a professional cook nothing is more nerve racking than hearing a patron has taken ill and wondering if your food caused it. It's doubly scary when you're dealing with items that are already tainted when you purchase them. I can deal with Salmonella or E-Coli in meat; just cook it properly and there'll be no problem. Ditto for eggs. But you can't do anything about lettuce- it's not like you can cook someone's salad and washing it isn't effective.
“I'd rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” —Richard Feynman