I was watching a show one day (I think it was on the Discovery Channel of the History Channel) where they did this. They caused a generator to overload and fry itself. Realtime, with a camera pointed at it so you could watch it cook itself.

Anything that is controlled by a computer can be killed with enough effort.

In my line of work (security systems and fire alarm systems) you generally see that the amount of money and trouble someone is willing to put into protecting something is directly proportional to the value of that which needs protecting.

We do everything from systems with just a single door contact that just dial out over the phone line, up to systems that cover every inch of a building (and I mean EVERY inch) and are monitored via phone line, network, AND long-range radio.

We do our part to keep the bad guys from physically gaining entry into the space, but it's amazing what someone can do with a computer nowadays to mess stuff up.