I actually bugged out with my kids for this one. Really interesting experience.
The weather reports had been talking all day about heavy rainstorms coming our way in the late afternoon. At around 5:30 I was out with the kids riding bikes when they sky started to look very dark. We headed home, and just as we arrived I got a text message from my Chief that a tornado warning had been issued.
I turned on the TV and the first thing I heard was of a tornado touching down in central Queens, heading east towards Nassau County. FYI, I'm in the first town in Nassau, just east of the Nassau/Queens border. In other words, there was a decent potential a tornado was on the ground heading my way, with about 5 minutes to go before arrival.
I hustled the kids (and my friend who was visiting) into the car and drove the 500 yards to my firehouse (takes one minute), which was supposedly engineered to withstand a CAT 5 hurricane. Saw some of the scariest looking clouds coming our way that I've ever seen. Went inside just as the Chief showed up, also looking for shelter.
Anyhow, we got some strong wind and rain, but nothing too bad. I went to check on my mom after the all clear came through to the firehouse, and found her huddled in her laundry room with the dog. Interior most room in her house!
My wife, however, got stuck on the Long Island Railroad for a few hours. Her train could not get through due to downed trees, and returned to NYC. She wound up taking the subway all the way east in Queens and I picked her up that night. I explained to my four-year old that mommy would be home late because some trees fell on the train tracks. He looked puzzled and asked me why the people didn't just get out of the train and work together to move the trees so they could all get home! The wisdom of kids. . . He was, btw, incredibly freaked out by the whole experience.
After action evaluation: If a tornado had come through my town, my kids and I would likely have been safe, but if the house was destroyed, we would have lost everything. I didn't bother to grab anything important - just got the kids to shelter. Of course, nothing is more important than the kids - everything else in insured.
Edited by Jesselp (09/17/10 01:16 PM)
Edit Reason: Spelling