In my case, I prefer not to label my bag as a Bugout Bag, Get Home Bag or any of those. I just call mine the SHTF bag and I put it together to be used in any scenario from getting to the house, to leaving the house, to bugging in (augmented when bugging in by what's stored in the house).

Mine generally travels in whatever vehicle I'm in and sits next to the front door when I'm at home. I never have any idea where my job will take me from day-to-day, so it's set up with items for all purposes. I also carry it in my Jeep when going WAY out into the woods where even most stock 4wd vehicles would have a hard time making it.

I use stuff from my bag all the time, from needing a poncho or boonie hat when it's raining, to a change of clothes if I need to work over, to grabbing a MRE or granola bar out to eat, to grabbing a bottle of water out to drink, to needing a bandaid or Tylenol. It's the everything I need, when I need it bag.