I would start with a Dampened SOS pad,Using a Circular motion,Then Clean it off under water,dry it,then start on the pitting with #0-Coarse Steel Wool,& work your way down to #00-Medium,Then #000-Fine,& Finish with #0000-Extra Fine,After that I would wipe it down with some Hoppe's#9 nitro-solvent(Gun cleaning fluid)let it sit for an hour,then wipe it off with a clean cloth,& wipe it with a Silicone treated cloth for protection! Sound's like alot,but All this should take you a couple hrs.,& aprox. 15 bucks from a Hardware store or Wal-Mart if they exist in them parts.Too bad you lost the 2-little blades,that normally accompany these Traditional Kukri's,as They are Purposely Hardened,To use as sharpening tools for the main blade.These Blades are Normally crafted from Truck Leaf-Springs,Pounded/Annealed by hand over a Dung Fire,& The Ghurkas(Royal Nepalese Guard) Still carry & use these Masterful Designs.Probably the Most versatile Blade design,ever crafted! Good Luck & Enjoy!