Originally Posted By: MostlyHarmless

My 2 cents: I would think the subject would be appropriate for the forum. What kind of fire arm, how and when can you carry it, when is it absolutely illegal and so on. Nothing wrong there... just don't divert into politics. You may or may not like the law, but the law is the law, and it would probably be a good idea to discuss what the law actually is and isn't. It is kind of weird if you can discuss calibers, but not the pitfalls you need to avoid to legally carry a weapon?

Now discussion of the people who pass the laws, if the law is a good law or a bad law ... plenty of other forums where you can discuss those.

DING DING! Give the man a prize, he won.

It's simple....

In the subset of situations where it's legal to carry,
assuming you're carrying, and
assuming you know what particular matrix of geographic, time and mechanical characteristics of the gun allow you to legally carry a gun in California....

What would you carry?