Get 10 pkts x4/6 of Energiser Lithium AAs, leave them in their packaging and put each pack of 4 or 6 into an individual freezer bag then place all 10 pkts into a Rubermaid food grade air tight sealed box. Put the Rubber maid container into a dry bag then wrap in duct tap then store in your Freezer. You should get around 20 years storage lifetime from the Lithium AAs.

Use only for real emergencies only. You want to make it difficult for yourself to get at them so you don't casually pilfer them.

Day to day use I would go with Eneloop or Infinium AA cells. These can be stored in plastic cases for AA cells such as;

Also include a roll of sticky labels with your charger so that each pack of 4 can be dated with information stating when they were last fully charged.