Hello Bishop and welcome,

Perhaps I'm not understanding the question. I normally leave batteries in their original packaging. For example, I buy D Cells (Duracell) in packages of 4. I normally go thru batteries fast enough that long term storage is not an issue. I don't have a package in front of me but as I recall they have an expiration date on them so as long as you keep that in mind and rotate them out I wouldn't think there would be a problem. I personally have never had an alkaline leak while in it's original package. Not to say that it can't happen, but the only time I've ever had a problem with leakage was when they were in a device that wasn't used for some time. They are already packaged quite nicely in a tough plastic package. I guess if space were an issue then you could trim off the excess plastic yet still maintain the part containing the batteries. No sense in re-inventing the wheel. grin

Best regards,