in preparation for an evacuation you might look at your communication requirements,(1) between family members within and outside the impacted area...something other than cell phone. have a phone tree..who contacts who, where to meet...and (2)a good source of real time intelligence.. an ability to monitor the on-scene communications of forestry and fire agencies...might give you a head start on the evacuation process...(3)have a predetermined stay-go requirement...when a criteria is met we will do this the wind is from the north west, and the fire line crosses county road 25 we move north on state 44.

when I see videos of the California woods fires I always wondered why those homes that have obvious swimming pools don't have a copper piped "rainbird" sprinkler system on the roof,mister heads on the soffit, and a propane powered alternator that can run a pump supplied by the swimming pool, possibly triggered by a remote radio/cell phone call..regards