What do you mean had? My dad usually leaves the big two-man saw up as wall decor, but it isn't rusty nor dull. He pulls it down a couple times a year with my brother or I on the otherside. There are also the axes, hatchets, hawks, mauls, wedges, smaller saws and an adze. He also mows the fenced area and around the heating fuel tank with a scythe and sickle, and is rebuilding a push mower.
Neighbor has more of all of the above, and his horses are a logging team- they specialize in nice, clean surgical cuttings in areas that are too fragile or tight to get in skidders.
And we can turn any chain blade into a one direction "pocket chainsaw".
I should point out, my folks heat with wood and they buy a year ahead. It means stacking it twice, but it means even in the spring, there is still a winter's worth of wood. Have to mix some greener stuff into it, but... *shrugs* you do what you can.
When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.