The original Ten Essentials developed by the Mountaineers of Seattle Washington, included sun protection. Their main focus was on sunglasses since alpine travel in snowy conditions can result in temporary blindness ("snow blindness"), but their category was "sun protection" not sun glasses and sun screen, Chapstick, clothing, etc. is appropriate to include.
People look at me funny when I wear long sleeves and long pants in the summer but both my grandfather and my father had skin cancer. I like my wide brimmed hat just fine, thank you.
On whatever list in whatever order, sun protection and sun screen in particular are essential.
**The Original 10 Essentials**
- Map (topographic)
- Compass
- Light (headlamp or flashlight)
- Sun protection (hat, sun glasses, sunscreen, Chapstick, etc.)
- Extra food & water
- Extra clothing
- Matches (or lighter or fire steel or sparker)
- Firestarter (tinder) -- e.g. Tinder Qwick, Wet Fire, Vaseline cotton balls, candle, etc.
- Knife