above is really a great slingshot! I love mine. I would label it "indestructable". Only $19 plus $2.85 shipping (registered mail from China to USA).
For practice ammo, I use Gobstoppers jaw breaker candies. You can find these on sale for about a dollar per hundred. These are perfect size (1/2") and biodegradeable. Shoot them at a brick and they crumble leaving a small pile of sugar to mark where you hit. If a miss ends up loose in your yard, a lawnmower hit will pulverize it rather than throw it out the chute. Plus, after the first rain or sprinkler watering it will dissappear (or the dogs will eat it!)
When you put the slingshot in your kit, add some 3/8" or 1/2" steel shot for ammo. Or .44cal or .50cal lead ball. You can hunt with either the steel or the lead. Plenty of humane-clean-kill power for things like rabbits, ducks, etc.
Given a few hours of practice you will find it's easy to shoot accurately. I can hit a 1.5" bullseye at ten yards about 30% of the time now. And I've only been slingshotting for about two weeks.
Buy replacement band sets in different powers ... make your own from components (just a sample or what's available) ... took about two weeks for delivery from China to the USA. You can pay a bit more, but get it faster in the USA if you order here: TrulyTexas distributer only has a small number of the numerous slingshots available at the main Dankung website,
http://www.dankung.comTo learn more about slingshots, go on over to There are plenty of great slingshots available these days. I really really like my A+ Slingshots model PS2. The Dankung style slingshots might be better for storing in a survival kit however (long lasting bands, easy change bands, and made of stainless steel).