I think most of us missed (1) of Teslinhiker,s comments, about missing the signs and frequent checkups.... I've had 3 basal cell and 1 squamous cell surgically removed, and the protocol for malignant melanoma less than 5mm is just surgery. I've lived in Florida since 1955, and worked college summers in a chemical refining plant that produced yellow phosphorous. My first basal cell showed up on the top of my ear(not protected by a baseball cap) when I was in my early 40's... a scab that did not heal...typically they show up as shiny bumps (mine on forehead and neck)... the squamous looked like a wart on my left forearm.... the most dangerous is melanoma, typically irreguarly shaped (not symmetrical), multi colored brown/black possibly red, larger than the diameter of a pencil eraser... seek a good dermatologist if you have a suspicious looking mark especially if it changes shape... regards Les

Teslinhiker....best of luck... I know what it's like waiting for the biopsy to come back...