It goes without saying that we should all protect our skin from the sun. Like many others, when I was younger and I thought, I did not heed that advice and now years of being outdoors in the sun, especially in the high country where the affects of UV radiation are much higher with no protection has now, unfortunately caught up to me.
Today after a visit with a specialist, I learned that:
a) I waited too long to see any Doctor about my skin problems
b: Surgery is the only option (I have been booked on a priority basis).
We often think that being Equipped To Survive is about having all the latest gee whiz gear and kit. I know from reading through endless posts here, suncreen is very seldom mentioned, yet I now firmly believe that sunscreen should be 11th item of the 10 essentials that we all should carry. Wearing sunscreen (and a proper hat) can be the deciding difference in your health. Not wearing either can prove to one of the worst survival mistakes you can make. It changes your life and now it certainly has changed for my family and I...
Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.
John Lubbock