Originally Posted By: xbanker
If glare is your only significant issue with the Micro-Light you might consider -- if you haven't already -- the M/L Covert model here.

If you're not familiar ... notice the short black plastic tube over business-end of the LED to cut down on side-spill.

I've not tried myself, but read some folks have used short length of proper-diameter heat-shrink tubing (without applying heat) to convert standard models. Or short length of rubber/plastic tubing. Some have wrapped one turn with cut-to-size piece of aluminum foil tape or used a silver paint-pen to "paint" on a glare-shield, with claims that both methods provided some (albeit, modest) reflector-like benefit while, at same time, eliminating glare.

Thanks for bringing the covert version of the Micro-light to my attention. Based on how much I didn't like the glare, I will take a look at that. I have been wanting to try out a Freedom version of the Micro-light anyway.

When I was testing my Micro-light, I was wondering if I could modify it to eliminate the glare issue. The heat-shrink tubing idea you provided seems the most straight forward, especially since I already have some. I'll have to give that a try and see how it works.
