Looks nice! I would tie some type of break-away mechanism at the back of the neck (if you haven't already). Maybe cut the loop, overlap the new ends 1/4", and tie a constrictor knot out of lightweight sewing thread to hold the ends together again. Without a break-away, paracord could be a death sentence by strangulation if it catches on something.
Yeah, that was also my first thought. To be honest, I keep a housekey and a mini LED light on a peice of paracord, and I wear it around my neck every night when I go out for my 3 mile walk. But it's an urban area where it's nearly impossible to dream up a scenario where I could get it caught on something. I'd be a bit leery of taking that rig out into the woods. My firesteel is on a similar rig, and I've been thinking of adding a break-away element somewhere in there.
But that's not to detract from Kevin's fine work. He's really a genius with working paracord.