For good or bad, it's usually the individuals that make the difference. The others are just sheep.

I'm not sure I would go so far to condemn people who don't actively resist. The penalties for subversion of the state in WW2 Germany and occupied territories were lavish in their cruelty. Being detained, interrogated and shot was as good as it got. Torture was routine.

The methods of execution were often slow and diabolically cruel. One man suspected of helping allied airmen was scrubbed using brushes and lye soap every day and kept in a damp basement. After a few days he had no skin left and mold was growing on him. It took a month to die and his entire exterior was covered in blue and green molds. His fate was witnessed by many people who could hear him scream as they scrubbed him each day. His method of demise was calculated to chill the blood of anyone thinking of subversion.

But it wasn't just that any resistance was risking your life. They often went after your family and friends. Anyone that could be used for leverage.

years ago I was reading an account of the resistance German occupied Europe and the question was; why did you risk your life, and your families lives to help the downed airmen? The single most common answer was: They asked. Often the difference between heroic resistance and keeping their head down so they would live to see the end of the war was someone asking for help.

This is, IMHO, a valuable lesson for disaster situations. Few people will help unbidden. A few more will help if a general request is made. But if you can look them in the eye and ask them to help most people will do what they can.

This is why taking charge and selecting people for jobs at a disaster works. Imagine a scene where people are hurt and you need someone to maintain pressure on a wound, and someone to direct traffic around the site, and someone to call for help. You can't do it all yourself.

Most people, if they aren't trained emergency responders, aren't going to jump in to help. Not without someone telling them what needs to be done and asking/volunteering/drafting them. Look them in the eyes and tell them to get on their cell phone and call foe help and they will. Do the same with a couple more and they are willing to direct traffic. You have to put yourself on the line asking and bring them into it.