Originally Posted By: wolfepack
Originally Posted By: Yuccahead

6) I would add something more palatable than datrex bars -- but I wouldn't have to carry them as far.

This was mentioned by somebody someplace else as well. They recommended Tiger's Milk bars. Any other suggestions? Personally I have found the Datrex bars to be reasonably good, though certainly not candy bars.

[quote]7) I don't believe the Aquamira Frontier is very good at filtering out pathogens and would consider better water purification options besides the Porta-Aqua tablets (such as Micropur). Have you scouted out water sources for your route (beyond the obvious canal)?

Hmmm. I don't have any personal experience with filter straws and picked the Aquamira Frontier based on some reviews and price. Can you recommend something you would think is better? The same thing for the purification tablets. You recommend the Micropur's?

It has been a while since I researched the Aquamira Frontier but I believe I found that its filter size was just too big to catch many of things you would be trying to avoid. The ETS gear section written by Doug Ritter has some good advice on water filtration and purification. (see http://www.equipped.org/watrfood.htm ). In your situation, I would look for a filter that also had an charcoal element that would help with chemical pollution as well biological threats.

Having said all that, my own 'hands-on' experience with water filters is limited. After doing my research, I ended up buying a then new product that was designed for military use. It never found any success in the civilian market place and I've never seen any independent reviews of its capabilities so I shouldn't recommend it. Like many other filters, it is used in combination with Porta Aqua or other purification tablets to ensure protection against the smallest and hardiest nasties.

My preference for the Micropur tablets is based on its packaging, unique EPA rating and supposedly better taste. They are however more expensive and Porta Aqua tablets will get the job done. My main concern with them was that once the bottle was open, shelf life was reduced quite a bit. In your situation, this probably does not matter.

Finally, I'm not familiar with Tigermilk. Within reason, I like Cliff Bars but as you said, they still aren't as good (tasting) as candy bars.
-- David.