Originally Posted By: oldsoldier

I gotta ask though-how do you cut the SAME fingertip off TWICE??? laugh

It was about 15 years apart. The first time I was a young pup just starting out on the line. The second time I was in a hurry and just let my focus wander a bit. Considering how much time I spend with a knife in my hand it's a wonder I don't get cut more. In part it's simply that my technique has improved over the years. Even so, no matter how careful you are you will make a mistake. It's just how are brains are wired.

The time I get cut the most when I'm sharpening. Really that makes sense; I'm handling the knives a lot and they're the sharpest they'll ever be when I take them off the final stone. Testing the edge is a danger point but I'd say wiping off the swarf and cleaing up is probably the most hazardous time. I rarely get a bad one this way, it's usually just a lot of nicks.

I'm mindful of infection, both at home and in the field. I try to always irrigate the wound and keep it covered. A lot of the time I'll use a triple antiobiotic cream but lately I've been wondering if that's not worse in the long run than just using water.
“I'd rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” —Richard Feynman