To me, it never made much sense to count items needed for a particular outing. That is why I decided to group my essentials into Ten Essential Groups. Multiuse items may fit into multiple groups.

1. Medical- ID/medical tag, first aid kit, medications, insect repellant, bug netting
2. Shelter- raingear, garbage bags, emergency blanket, bivy sack, tarp, tent
3. Fire- matches, lighter, sparker/tinder, fresnel lens, stove/fuel
4. Hydration- water container, purification method, straw
5. Communication- safety plan, whistle, pen/pencil and paper, signal mirror, cellular phone, satellite phone, HAM radio, personal locator beacon, weather radio
6. Navigation- map, compass, light, altimeter, GPS
7. Nutrition- extra food, fishing kit
8. Insulation- jacket, hat, gloves, footwear, foam pad
9. Sun Protection- sunscreen, sunglasses, wide-brimmed hat, lip balm with spf, long sleeved/legged clothing, gloves
10. Tools- knife/multitool, repair kit, wristwatch, bandana, rope/cord, duct tape, money