Well... Since it's a Crop-duster crash,that means usually, Rural Area/Farms/Green Acres,So... No Need for a SWAT team,Everyone is sufficiently armed,& Well-versed for protection.Water supply is normally from canals,of which are closed,or can be closed quickly.Short of Tornadic Activity,winds are rarily strong enough,to blow a "Planted" crop anywhere,or the top-soil,as it would be moist,hence, the need for a crop-duster in the 1st place!The county fair wouldn't even have to know,A crop duster bursting in flames upon crashing,Even thick Black-smoke,wouldn,t last long enough to stir anyones attention,Farms often have smoke billowing from their activities,on a daily basis.On a parts per million ratio,the USDA/FDA rules will apply to the poison/fertilizer strength,so nothing further than an Engine co. would be needed,possibly the sheriff if the pilot,Kicked the bucket.Any of the Deep-Fried delicacies at the fair,would be Un-affected by any amount of Toxins as, They will Kill you,Regardless,lol! As per the size of Crop-dusters,they are Very small planes,single-seaters,short wing-spans for tight maneuvers,& they couldn't carry more than 100 gallons,if that,since 1gal.water=8lbs. The clean up crew would consist of the farmer using his Front-loader & his dump truck covered with a tarp,It probably wont be more than a yard of dirt total,most dump trucks haul 5 or more yds.at a time.If they have a scanner,& are using it at that time,maybe the towns local paper,will send out a reporter.If this town is in Minnesota,since I'm the disaster prep.Mgr.,I will have plenty of time to participate on the judging panel for Best Booya,Gooseberry pie,& Home-brewed Beer,& Ride the "Hammer"&spray the crowd below,:)

Edited by Richlacal (07/26/10 04:49 AM)