Hmm. Electrolyte tabs are not a bad idea at all.

I keep little packets of salt in my kit. I also sometimes bring Gatorade* or Cytomax* powder pre-measured into Ziploc bags as part of my normal (non emergency) carry. I don't plan to use salt on the trail; it's there as a just in case.

On other fronts, I made a slight tweak to my list. Let's see how this flies. I moved Chapstick* from a separate item to the general sun protection category. I like calling Chapstick out separately since a lot of people will remember things like a hat and sunscreen while forgetting Chapstick, but it does belong in the sun protection category. Hopefully people will read the list carefully.

Moving Chapstick up to the Sun Protection category allowed me to move a multi-tool or SAK into the top twenty which I think is more in keeping with the actual value of a multi-tool or SAK.

I added a cell phone to take the place of the multi-tool or SAK in the last ten items. A cell phone is kind of questionable item I realize. If you're really out in the wilderness, there aren't going to be any cell towers. I certainly would never depend on a cell phone, but it just might be a handy tool provided there are other things in your arsenal. Also, while I do like to get out into deeper wilderness, I only have time to do so occasionally; the majority of my outings are closer to town where a cell phone might come in really handy. I'll append the revised list below.


*Usual disclaimer: I have no financial interest in any product I mention.

**The 10 Essentials**
- Map (topo, preferably around 1:25,000 scale with approx. 40' contour intervals)
- Compass
- Light (headlamp or flashlight), LED strongly preferred -- with extra batteries
- Sun protection -- hat, sun glasses, sunscreen, Chapstick (SPF 30)
- Extra food & water
- Extra clothing
- Matches (or lighter or fire steel or sparker) <==at least 2 methods
- Firestarter (tinder) -- e.g. Tinder Qwick, Wet Fire, Vaseline cotton balls, candle, etc.
- Knife -- Fixed blade preferred

**Additional Essentials**
- Duct tape
- Important Meds (3 day supply) -- Perscriptions, Antihistimines, Immodium, Anti-Inflamatory, etc.
- Whistle
- Signal Mirror
- Shelter (e.g. space blanket, space blanket bivvy sack, tube tent, etc.)
- Raingear
- Watch
- Bandana
- Insect repellent (DEET or Picaridin)
- Multitool or SAK

**Strongly Recommended**
- Cell phone
- 55 gal trash can liners (3) -- Can be used as a pack cover when in camp, ground sheet for shelter, pack liner, etc.
- Needle & thread
- Key chain sized LED light (as a backup)
- Strong Nylon Cord -- Parachute "550" cord (Mil Spec) is an excellent choice
- Water retrieval device (straw, tubing, sierra cup, etc.)
- Water purification means
- Backup compass
- Pen & paper
Adventures In Stoving