Originally Posted By: Phaedrus
I think it's a good list... it's going to vary from person to person and even from outing to outing.
Agreed. There's no substitute for sitting down and thinking through what kind of outing one is going to undertake. A list can be a helpful starting point, but thinking to one's self "I've got everything on the list; therefore I am prepared" is a recipe for disaster IMHO.

Originally Posted By: Phaedrus
But Benadryl and mosquito repellent would be in my Top 10, I'm not sure you'd survive a night out there without some protection. Last trip up I got several bites between the time when I opened the door of the truck and the point where my foot touched the ground!
I put "antihistimines" on my list. Hopefully that covers it.

Originally Posted By: Phaedrus
Hmmm...maybe I need to list my own Top 10.
Sounds like a good idea. smile

Adventures In Stoving