I can confirm as AZ resident and -- until things got 'less comfortable' -- frequent traveler to Mexico. Not GPS, but digital camera display.
Initial experience right after buying first digital camera -- a Nikon -- six or so years ago. Bought expressly for month-long stay @ Monzanillo, Mexico. Hot 'n humid! When happened, thought I got a lemon. But when display later functioned (after indoors awhile), put 2 + 2 together and decided was the heat. Some experimentation later, proved to my satisfaction. Later confirmed researching on internet.
My solution, which has worked OK:
1. I never leave camera outside padded (read: insulated) carry case any longer than necessary.
2. Always been my electronic-device rule, but CLOSELY follow with camera: don't leave in direct sunlight. Likewise, avoid leaving in car (e.g. when A/C isn't runnning). For times when absolutely necessary, have small, dedicated collapsable cooler in Jeep for camera or other small electronics to provide some protection from heat.
3. Not big deal here in AZ, but in Mexico: stuffed couple of small silica gel packets into camera case just to keep humidity at bay.
When first happened, LCD display seemed to recover without permanent impairment.
BTW, can't cite exact temperature first time happened in Mexico, but definitely <110°.
"Things that have never happened before happen all the time." — Scott Sagan, The Limits of Safety