I think it's a good list. Obviously it's going to vary from person to person and even from outing to outing. For example, if I'm up on Amisk Lake in Sask on vacation I won't bother taking more than a drinking cup and maybe one bottle; the camp draws its water directly from the lake and isn't treated in any way IIRC. For years I've dipped my cup right into the lake for a drink, and it's probably safer than my municipal water. wink Likewise I wouldn't waste much space on purification stuff, either, for the same reason. But Benadryl and mosquito repellent would be in my Top 10, I'm not sure you'd survive a night out there without some protection. Last trip up I got several bites between the time when I opened the door of the truck and the point where my foot touched the ground! That's not even an exaggeration. The skeeters could probably grab a bull moose and fly off with him! shocked

Closer to home water would be a top priority. Some kind of food would probably also be in my bag but I know enough to only eat if I can stay hydrated. Hydration is a big deal, and I always carry electrolytes and WHO forumula oral hydration salts.

Hmmm...maybe I need to list my own Top 10.
“I'd rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” —Richard Feynman