Although you asked Matt, I will throw my 2cents in. First do you have the appropriate training to use supplemental airways? If not do not attempt to purchase and use them in an emergency situation. You can cause soft tissue damage and if the improper size is used, you can actually block the airway. If you do have the training, then be aware that supplemental airways are most effective when used in conjunction with a CPR mask (I am not talking about a CPR shield) or BVM with high flow O2. If performing CPR without CPR mask or BVM with high flow O2, then the use of adjutant airway is not helpful. Both the CPR mask and BVM require two hands on the mask to achieve an effective seal around the mouth and nose. Even with the appropriate training, those without actual experience generally form a poor seal around the mouth, have inadequate head positioning, ventilate too rapidly or with too much force, resulting in inflation of the stomach or inadequate ventilation. Pete