Originally Posted By: Roarmeister
I've never quite understood the language used in the original 10 essentials. "Extra" food and water?
I think the idea is to bring more than you think you'll need. For example, if I'm heading out on a six mile hike and the temps are going to be around 90, I figure I'll need about three liters of water. In terms of the 10 essentials, maybe I throw in and "extra" half liter or so.
Originally Posted By: Roarmeister
IMHO - things like the whistle, signal mirror, shelter, cordage -- all belong in the top 10 essentials.
I basically agree with you. I feel that the 10 essentials are really only complete when you supplement them (for me, it's the second set of 10 on my list). Maybe you could remove the bandana from the "essential" category, but it has so many uses including sun protection, (first step) water filtration, bandage, etc.
Originally Posted By: Roarmeister
Water purification can be ranked higher depending on the environment.
Yeah, pretty much everyone is on me for that one.
Originally Posted By: Roarmeister
During my fishing trip last week I took my essentials which also included things like rain pants, toque, and gloves
Believe it or not I include a lightweight fleece hat (i.e. toque) and gloves in my kit even in the summer in S. Calif. Combine a light weight fleece hat with a trash bag, and you can weather pretty much any summer mountain storm even if you're caught out overnight unexpectedly
Originally Posted By: Roarmeister
Being properly eqipped in my mind was a bit of overkill in their mind.
I've been around too much and seen too much to not carry what I carry. If you're out much, it's just a matter of time before something unexpected happens, if not to you, then to someone you run across.

Thanks for the comments and insight.

Adventures In Stoving