I don't typically chime in because it sometimes ends up sounding like a Mutual Admiration Society or some really blatant sucking up. I will make an exception this time. I totally agree and support Doug's ideas and comments in this instance. I think taking time to understand the philosophy of this particular product is key to further understanding its application. Having been a member of the Forum for a little while I have seen the different approaches to EDC put forth by all the other participants. I have gleaned an amazing amount of information from everyone. I know there are pros and cons to purpose-built (personal), purpose-purchased, and purpose-manufactured EDC items and kits. All that to say this: Do your research, evaluate your personal philosophy, keep inside your financial abilities, and have fun with the whole kit thing. If this is followed I believe there will be less inclination to dismiss some things out-of-hand.

My $.02

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"Its not a matter of being ready as it is being prepared" -- B. E. J. Taylor