Lono, I like the way you think, brother.
Surströmming comes in a bulging can and smells to high heaven? The things we do for love. lol
MostlyHarmless, yes a P38 isn't completely necessary is it? But a P38 will do a much nicer job than a can opener on an SAK or multi tool, it weighs nearly nothing, and takes up almost no space at all. Besides that, I already have one.

I actually have had occasion to use it. One time, I was hiking in to the mountains with my father in late summer. An early snow storm hit, dropping many cm of snow. People were afraid of getting trapped in the mountains since the only way out of the area was over a high pass and were leaving in a hurry. My father, having hiked in that area for many years, knew that storms like that usually pass through and are gone; we pressed on. We passed three men in such a panic to get out that they left behind a lot of food and gear. They told us we could have it. We went to the site, and lo and behold, there was at least a day and a half worth's of food, including
two cans of beef. That evening, as we ate the delicious beef, we were quite thankful that we had brought a P38. We'd have been even more thankful for a beautiful Norwegian woman with lutefisk, but in life you take what you can get. lol
P38's are even better at picnics where people tend to bring cans more often than on hikes.