Originally Posted By: ireckon

OK, please discuss other weapons that are useful against a violent criminal wielding a gun. I'm not being a smart-ass. I'm open to hearing what your ideas here.

OK, I'll bite. A knife or a bat, or anything that can be used to the same effect. But the situation would be pretty desperate for you to try that. And it would require you a) to be up close and personal with the bad guys, b) physically agile (in which case you probably wouldn't be in the hospital in the first place?). Is it suicide to attack someone with a bat or a knife while they are aiming a gun at your chest? Yes, but trying to wield your gun would under those circumstances would be just as suicidal. Gaining the element of surprise would be important, gun or no gun.

Up close (within 6 feeet) I view knives as much more dangerous and lethal than guns. The statistics of survivability of knife wounds is substantially worse than gun wounds. You don't have to have any skills to do lethal damage, and it never jams or runs out of bullets.

A violent confrontation means a very high probability that you will end up hurt or dead, gun or no gun. In most cases a gun would be preferable, but it does not in any way guarantee you will be winning. It just improves the odds.