This news story really illustrates how careful and knowledgeable you have to be when it comes to eating wild plants while out on the trail. This snippet of the news story is all that is available in text as the only other info available is an audio link (below) to Alaska Public Radio Network.
According to KHNS-FM (Haines, via APRN), five Canadian hikers became ill, one gravely so, after eating bulbs of the leafy plant known as False Hellebore (Veratrum viride) while they hiked the Chilkoot Trail. The plant has medicinal uses, but is one of the very most poisonous on the entire Northwest Coast. After eating the roots, the hikers started showing symptoms, and their rescue was a lucky twist of fate. Officials say at the worst point after being evacuated, one hiker in particular was close to death. Medical attention came in time, though, and all five hikers have recovered. This link to the audio broadcast runs just over 4 minutes.
Link to a photo of the False Hellebore
Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.
John Lubbock