First word to remember with bears is 'unpredictable'. After that, you learn about them and they are as predictable as pie.

I am betting that guy did everything to make the hungry young bear think he was prey, and it makes me mad that there are humans out there who take walks in nature and then call an animal that is just being an animal a name like "bad". It is more like bad human. That guy must have been crazy to have acted like he did, backing up and turning his back. He probably could have scared the bear away if he presented himself as a viable danger to the bear, but it looks like he didn't even try. Now the bear is hunted down as "criminal" because of a human's ignorance. He could have in the least carried a pepperspray... or a spine!

My understanding of how to act near bears:

All Bears = scare it away or kill it before it gets to you.

Brown (Grizzly) Bears = if it is on you, play dead in fetal position, covering back neck with hands, face tucked in to chest; as it is trying to eliminate the competition and threat to its children, and when it believes it has done so it go away. Although in the rare event the Griz is starving, you may fight, but know that you will most likely lose.

Black Bears = if it is on you, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! Even if it does have cubs, it is likely planning on eating the competition and threat.

I was approached by a young black bear as I was searching for my camera at the tailgate of my truck. It was about the same size bear (~200 pounds), and it approached to within about a couple of feet, obviously hungry, and I began stamping my feet and yelling and raising my arms. The bear hesitated, so I got more intense and it turned and climbed up the nearest tree like a cub would do. After about a minute it climbed back down and lay down at the base of the tree. I couldn't scare it away, so I got in my truck to drive away. Then the bear got up and approached my truck. It wasn't scared of the horn, so I drove away before it could start damaging my truck. It is sad, because this bear was conditioned by people throwing food to it at the side of the road. It probably had to be killed because of ass-ignorant people getting a thrill out of feeding wildlife.

That guy's incident reminds me of that jogger in Canada who got killed by Coyotes because she didn't understand predator-prey dynamics.

For all you who think that bear is "bad", understand this, there is no bad animal, only humans acting stupidly. Don't go into nature unless you are confident you know what you are doing and are prepared to deal with uncertainty.

Edited by TAB (07/01/10 06:00 PM)