I actually have seen the bit retention spring lost, on my father’s CX (leatherman replaced it) but he had “cleaned it” and while I wasn’t there sometimes my father can be a bit aggressive in cleaning things. So it could be either a design/manufacture problem or some over aggressive cleaning. Either way, I haven’t experienced the issue with my tool. Regarding the pocket clip, I clip it to my pocket everyday and in a year and a half it hasn’t broke. I do worry about the bail on the carbineer, but I almost never use that and so far it hasn’t failed.

The pliers are perhaps the most disturbing issue. They do appear to be some wild amalgamate, not regular stainless steel, though I do not see any air bubbles in that photo. Maybe I need to blow it up or something? Anyways, through relatively normal use I haven’t broken mine. I’m sure I could, but I try not to beat on things too hard unless I’m really in a pinch.

I’ll say this about pretty much everything I own, I have to be relatively careful with it. If I wanted to, I could break just about anything. I guess that is a talent? A talent I bet I share with at least some others on this forum! wink

All good problems to be aware of, thankfully I’ve experienced none of them on my tool!

Edited by roberttheiii (06/29/10 03:33 PM)
Edit Reason: Typos.