Even the relief wells may fail as noted in the detailed analysis in the link below.
Not the first time I've heard this scenario presented, but that first link is the best analysis I've read so far about this catastrophic situation of the "roof" of the oil deposit eventually collapsing and turning it into an impossible-to-stop gusher.
I have no way of evaluating how plausible it is for the seabed to eventually give way over the oil deposit (this risk is the crux of this worst case scenario), so I'll just have to take people's word that it is possible. In that case, watching the undersea video feed reminds me of watching the Twin Towers burn, wondering what's going to come next.
I don't doubt the ingenuity and resolve of the technical people actually working on stopping the leak, and I'm optimistic that they will eventually succeed, but that is truly a sad scenario if it ever does occur.