Mr Ritter,

I am actually quite interested, since you are in the trenches with this struggle, on the thought processes involved amongst the opposition. Surely some of the features or operating principles of these knives and their subtle differences must not escape those that seek to outlaw them.
How do they justify some of the illogical and inconsistent arguments they propose?
I suppose the most pressing one is, what really differentiates a knife of the folding variety, regardless of the opening principles, from a fixed blade knife of similar dimensions?
That is something I have never been able to fathom.
If a knife opens in a tenth of a second that is hardly much different than just whipping out a fixed blade. Why all the hoopla about such things when it would be much easier say, to just pass a law saying that within a certain jurisdiction, all single edged knife blades of greater than 4" are banned for concealed carry.
It would seem that it would be much easier for law enforcement officers as well as the general public to comply with such rules than the current maze of rules and regulations.
I carry a knife every day. Prior to the post 9-11 paranoia, I would keep my Swiss Army Knife in my pocket in all international and domestic flights with nary a problem. The very idea of attempting to use such a knife in any kind of offensive or even defensive action is ludicrous, the blade would probably snap. Surely there are logical and scientific methods that could be employed to educate those in the opposition who are rational and not motivated by fear. I know how difficult it is to reason with someone with a phobia.
As much as I use my knives all the time, I would rather not have to face prosecution, especially when, if you knew me, how ridiculous is the thought of me engaging in any kind of mano a mano combat.