Dagny, thanks for summarizing exactly what I was going to say, only you phrase it much better smile

Thanks for posting the link, it is very rare to see such detailed interviews and summary of exactly what that person went through during their SAR ordeal.

I've joined this community because I love to do what that guy did, and I want to learn as much as possible about how I can prepare against being so severely in trouble as he did. Although my pack in fact would have carried those items mising from his pack I by no means consider myself experienced - there's always so much more to learn, skills to master, areas and conditions unfamiliar to me...

Reading stories like his: What he did, and how his predicament could be lessened or avoided through preparations or an improved decision making, is something I never grow tired of.

Edited by MostlyHarmless (06/09/10 06:42 PM)