"Experienced" was the reporter's word, not the hiker's.

He was an experienced hiker, who made some mistakes for which he castigates himself.

“I was cursing myself for doing stupid things,” he said.

He wasn't fully prepared for overnighting, especially with a broken kneecap -- which he suffered after going off trail.

He's now an experienced lucky hiker who appreciates that it's better to be a fully prepared hiker who stays on the marked trails. There's also much to be said for not hiking solo (and certainly not going off-trail solo).

How many people on ETS actually hike in the mountains?

While matches and a whistle should be no-brainers because they are so light and useful, it is a tough call sometimes on how much stuff to carry on a day hike. Fortunately, he had a stream to stay hydrated. The most water I've ever carried on a day hike is one gallon.