Injury has always been one of my biggest concerns when day hiking. If you’re out of cell range or just in a spotty area, a person could be in for at the minimum a night out there, even if you’ve taken all other precautions like leaving detailed plans of where your headed and expected back.

I’ve always beefed up my small FAK’s that I carry day hiking with additional blood stopping padding and either an ace bandage, roll of vet wrap or both and a sam splint. In the summer and fall I include a bug head net and a few of the bug wipes. And I always carry the AMK heat sheet and/or heavier sportsman blanket that's red on one side and reflective on the other and usually carry both, as well as good rain wear, extra socks, gloves and hat at a minimum and usually a fleece sweater. I dislike both cold and wet!

Along with no fire kit, it doesn’t sound like he had any signaling capabilities in his pack either.

Glad they found him in time, while unfortunate for him being out there that long...a good lesson in always being prepared with basic survival supplies and never veering off marked trails.