I agree with Art.
People have an almost romanticized and very misguided fantasy that modern society is going to fall apart and they will be able start bartering all that junk silver and gold and ammo they have hoarded just because some other wing nut survivalist website/forum or blogger espouses such thinking.
The simple fact is that we as people, long ago moved beyond such primitive bartering....simply because it does not work, otherwise we would still be using that system.
If you want to be prepared, take a cue from Jeff's list. From what I have read, he has been to many small and large catastrophic events and not just in the USA and has first hand experience in what is truly needed in the aftermath of disasters. His list, IMO is more realistic and is void of the Walter Mitty syndrome that so pervades the mindset of those who are almost lathering for their SHTF moment so they can play out their ammo bartering fantasies...
Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.
John Lubbock