Originally Posted By: CANOEDOGS
i never understood why the guys on the shortwave programs,and other places,worked so hard to sell you their gold for "worthless' paper money.same with silver,if i had bags of coins that i could trade,like the guy said,for bottles of water why would push so hard with tales of upcoming woe to sell them for paper money?
i have my investments in fish hooks and Coleman fuel-------

It would appear to be something of a poser as to why someone who spends a considerable portion of their waking hours ranting about how gold is 'real money' and that "fiat paper" will soon be worthless would trade gold they own for the fiat money that will surely, by their reckoning, have no value.

Either the guy selling the gold is exceptionally generous and self-sacrificing; or he knows something not immediately apparent.

Reminds me of the old "Miss Cleo" telephone psychic who claimed she could tell you the lottery numbers. The immediate question that came up was: If she knows the numbers why wouldn't she use that knowledge to win the lottery herself? Telling someone means that the prize will be divided. Seems odd that she would go against her own interests.

Gold is a commodity, a commodity with a lot of glittering romanticism and psychology behind it, but still a commodity. Not that much different from pork bellies or iron. As a commodity it is subject to cyclical forces, market manipulations, and irrational exuberance.

Yes, it you time it right and get lucky you can make some money. But it is not a sure thing. The fact remains that if you bought gold in 1980 you didn't break even until some time between 2005 and 2007. When exactly depends on the exact price paid, how much the deal gigs you for sales, and if you include inflation in your calculation.

Fact being that if I had invested thousands in gold in 1980 and just broke even in 2007 I would be selling it also just to get the non-performing investment off my books so I could buy something with an up side.