My Scoutmaster had us scouts make their own kit. He explained how many commercially available kits are great, but most others (especially the usual cheap ones) are absolutely terrible. He had us make their own kit, explain what was in it, then we would help them with what they were lacking. Now it is required we take our kit with us on every hike, campout, ect along with a small first aid kit (also hand assembled). Most BSA equipment hasn't really impressed me. Especially in the knives department, the BSA Utility knife and Scout Knife which are the ones most every scout buys are hard to open/close, and have non-locking blades. Those factors combined has led to many stiches, a few in my own troop. Also, the regular BSA sharpening stone isn't that great and the BSA mess kit is pretty flimsey. These are things that are used pretty often, I would expect them to be a little bit better.
Doug, being a scout myself I would definately like to see your kit replace the "You Can Survive" kit.
Edited by Paul810 (10/18/03 05:42 AM)